Showing off...

Wednesday, 16 January 2008 | Labels: , | |

Same demos as the other version of pEngine, only this time demo 1 (press 4) is a tower of 246 individual blocks.

Don't forget, you can aim and fire a block by clicking the left mouse button...

Play here:

A reasonably decent computer required as well as the latest flash player - get it now!


  1. Ciph3rzer0 says:

    Is this going to be open sourced? Or are you just making yourself an engine?

    It looks pretty good, some friction would be nice.

  2. rje says:

    I'll release the source. Its based on a O/S engine anyway.

    As for the friction - its in there, each demo has a varying amount. What demo were you referring to?

  3. Anonymous says:

    it's a great engine. Would you let me show on my blog this game, with your sign ofcourse?

  4. Justin says:

    brilliant. I really need to get into 2d physics!

  5. ActionScript says:

    :D Cool!